Nicolet National Bank (E Calumet St)


Bank Finance & Insurance


A Community Fixture

Our country has survived two world wars, and experienced significant swings in the economy. Through it all First National Bank ~ Fox Valley, has remained a fixture in the community, while evolving to meet the changing needs of our customers. As the bank grew from one to four full service branches, the name was changed to reflect our increased presence in the Fox Valley.

Upfront Banking

There are undoubtedly differences from when we opened in 1887; where there was once a horse and buggy traveling down the dirt roads of Menasha, there now are cars and trucks on paved roads in the Fox Valley. But the essence of what made First National Bank ~ Fox Valley thrive over the years remains intact; banking professionals who work with you to identify needs and help achieve your financial goals.

When you bank with us, it's not complicated. Banking professionals from your local community bank providing you customized financial solutions with no surprises.

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